Swiss Cheese Awards 2014

Le Gruyère AOP Swiss Champion!

27 Oct 2014

Les Swiss Cheese Awards took place in Rapperswil Jona from 23 to 26 October with the record participation of 817 cheeses. Le Gruyère AOP won the title of Swiss Champion. It it the Gruyère AOP of Mr. Jean-Marie Droz, Agriculture School of Grangeneuve, matured by Fromage Gruyère SA.

20% of cheese per category receive a diploma. 39 Gruyère AOP were presented. Here the list of the 8 first :

1. Le Gruyère AOP of Mr. Jean-Marie Droz, Agriculture School of Grangeneuve, matured by Fromage Gruyère SA.

2. Le Gruyère AOP of Mr. Walter Haussener, Cheese Dairy Galmiz, matured by Emmi

3. Le Gruyère AOP of Mr. Claude Kolly, Cheese Dairy Rossens, matured by Mifroma

4. Le Gruyère AOP Bio of Mr. Pierre Buchillier, Cheese Dairy Les Moulins, matured by Fromco

5. Le Gruyère AOP of Mr. Philippe Favre, Cheese Dairy Vaulruz, matured by Fromage Gruyère SA

6. Le Gruyère AOP of Mr. Jean-Philippe Charrière, Fromagerie de Ponthaux, matured by Fromco

7. Le Gruyère AOP of Mr. André Delacombaz, Fromagerie de Montbovon, matured by Mifroma

8. Le Gruyère AOP of Mr. Pierre-Alain Uldry, Cheese Dairy Pont-la-Ville, matured by Mifroma.

In the category Gruyère d'Alpage AOP, of the 12 presented cheeses, the first two received a diploma: 

1. Le Gruyère d'Alpage AOP of Mr. Germain et Beat Piller, Alp Vounetz, matured by the Fribourg Cooperative of Alp Cheeses

2. Le Gruyère d'Alpage AOP of Mr. Laurent Gachet, Alp les Audèches, matured by the Fribourg Cooperative of Alp Cheeses

Congratulations to the laureates!

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