100% artisanal know-how and a tradition handed down from generation to generation since 1115.

Protected Designation of Origin (AOP)

The Protected Designation of Origin (AOP) recognizes a level of quality granted uniquely to typical products, deeply rooted in a region that gives it a specific character and an inimitable flavor. The AOP label guarantees the authenticity of products made according to traditional know-how.

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Our types of Le Gruyère AOP

Le Gruyère AOP for every tastes

After 6 to 9 months, the cheese is aromatic and smooth and just right for palates that prefer a mild flavour. After 10 months, the mature Le Gruyère AOP Réserve will impress all lovers of full bodied cheese. A few cheese wheels are matured for up to 18 or even 24 months. These will appeal to connoisseurs of particularly strongly flavoured cheese. The maturation length may vary but the quality always remains outstanding!

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They make Le Gruyère AOP

Milk producers, cheese makers and affineurs

The members of the sector are the pillars of Le Gruyère AOP production. They make our noble cheese from the heart.

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Cooking with Le Gruyère AOP

Recipe of the month

Le Gruyère AOP crispy eggs

  • 5'
  • 30'

Revisiting the classics

Tempura with Le Gruyère AOP

Le Gruyère AOP mendicant egg casserole

Chips breaded with Gruyère AOP

The latest news

Around Le Gruyère AOP

Philippe Bardet is the Agro-Star Suisse 2025

St.Gallen, 20 February 2025 – The Vaud native Philippe Bardet was named the Agro-Star Suisse 2025 at the opening ceremony of Tier&Technik on Thursday.…

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