Olma 2019

Results of the alp cheese competition in Olma.

14 Oct 2019
  • Le Gruyère d'Alpage AOP of Nicolas Brodard, Alpage La Guignarde, Corbières, won the second price in the category hard cheese. This cheese was matured by Coopérative fribourgeoise des producteurs de fromages d'Alpage.

  • Le Gruyère d'Alpage AOP of Philippe and Michaël Ruffieux, Alpage Varvalanna, Val de Charmey, won the 6th price in the category hard cheese. This cheese was matured by Coopérative fribourgeoise des producteurs de fromages d'Alpage.

  • Le Gruyère d'Alpage AOP of Christian Bourquenoud, Alpage Le Creux, Intyamon, won a degree in the category hard cheese. This cheese was matured by Coopérative fribourgeoise des producteurs de fromages d'Alpage.

Cordial congratulations to the artisans who made this results possible!

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