Gruyère AOP loaf

20' 30'

A great classic of savoury pastries, this recipe is so popular and well known that even its name sounds ordinary. Its simple and modest base, when enhanced with a filling such as the Gruyère AOP in this recipe, reaches its full gourmet potential.

The word cake, known as a loaf in English, did not appear in the French language until 1795. Yet its presence dates back to ancient Egypt and small cakes that accompanied the deceased on their journey to the afterlife. Still in antiquity, Greek obloyeurs prepared their delicious oblara, which were made to honour the gods for whom they were intended.

A baking staple for young and old alike, the loaf is a reliable test of a cook's culinary skills and in our collective imagination it remains a beautiful proof of love for those close to us.

Ingredients for



Attention changement nombre de personnes

  • 3
  • 1.3 dl
    35% cream
  • 170 g
  • 7 g
    of baking powder
  • 130 g
    Gruyère AOP
  • 160 g
    of Benichon mustard
  • +
    butter to butter the mould


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (gas mark 6).
  2. In a bowl, mix together the flour, salt and yeast. 
  3. Vigorously beat in the eggs and then the crème fraîche. Let the batter rest. 
  4. Cut the Gruyère AOP into small 5mm cubes and stir them into the batter using a rubber spatula. 
  5. Grease the loaf tin and pour the batter in, being careful to keep the edges of the tin clean.
  6. Insert the spatula into the middle of the mixture and lift it out again along the length of the tin. This helps the cake to rise and split along the middle.  
  7. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes without opening the oven door so that an even temperature can be maintained. 
  8. Use the Bénichon mustard to serve with the Gruyère AOP loaf.

Delicious to know

Be sure to keep the edges of the tin clean. If drops of the batter remain on the edges during baking, they will cook faster than the loaf itself and harden. When the loaf rises and expands, these dry, crispy drops may prevent the loaf from rising evenly and vertically. You can also line the tin with greaseproof paper to make it easier to remove. This recipe is perfect as a tasty snack or eaten alongside sour cream flavoured with fresh garden herbs and seasoned with salt and pepper. All you have to do is mix the ingredients together!

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