Mille Gruyère

Le Gruyère AOP is keen on helping young athletes via the project Mille Gruyère.

27 Feb 2022 02 Sep 2022

2 u-turn-races and 12 regional finals are so much opportunities for young athletes up to 15 years old to qualify for the Swiss final.

Registration and information on the website of the Mille Gruyère.

27.02.2022 Payerne Payerne, Avenue du Stade CA Broyard
09.04.2022 Eschen Eschen Dorfzentrum Turnverein Eschen-Mauren
27.04.2022 Bellinzona Stadio Communale Federazione Ticinese Atletica Leggera
07.05.2022 Appenzell Wühre TV Appenzell
25.05.2022 Liestal Gitterli SC Liestal
01.06.2022 Baden Aue LV Wettingen-Baden
25.06.2022 Zürich    
26.06.2022 Lausanne   Lausanne-Sports Athlétisme
20.08.2022 Kreuzlingen Burgerfeld LAR Tägerwilen-Kreuzlingen
20.08.2022 Moutier   Centre d'Athlétisme de Moutier
02.09.2022 Biel Leichtathletik-Anlage Längfeld  



Swiss Athletics

Swiss Athletics is the umbrella federation for athletics in Switzerland. It promotes top-level sport and work with young athletes and supports sport for all. It is a member of World Athletics as well as the European Athletics and is therefore the competent Swiss federation for all questions of athletics. It is also a member of Swiss Olympic, the umbrella organisation of Swiss sport.

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